Mar 27, 2023A lot of times when people want weight loss, what they don't realize is that they really want fat loss.
Here’s the difference between the two:
Weight loss focuses on a number the scale reads which can be influenced by many factors.
Fat loss focuses more on body composition: reducing body fat % while maintaining muscle. This typically results in reduced weight, as well, but not always.
“I don’t really care about being toned”
If you’re someone who wants to lose weight but doesn’t necessarily have a desire to be ripped, that’s okay! But I would still encourage you to focus on maintaining muscle mass during the process of losing weight. Here’s why:
When you lose both fat and muscle, your metabolism downregulates or "slows down", one of the biggest factors being your basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR = the number of calories your body burns at rest for basic functioning like breathing, absorbing nutrients, keeping your heart beating, etc.
This is a normal process!
Your BMR makes up about 70% of your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) -
As your BMR decreases, you’ll start burning fewer calories at rest. This makes it harder to keep losing weight.
On the other hand, if you focus on maintaining or building muscle mass (more for newbies) in a calorie deficit, your BMR won't drop as significantly because it takes more energy to maintain muscle than other tissues like fat.
More muscle mass = higher metabolic rate = more calories burned at rest.
More food: Since muscle requires a lot more energy (food) to maintain in comparison to other tissues, this means that the more muscle mass you have = the more food your body needs. More food = more joy!
Bone Density: Lifting weights gives your bones a good workout, too. When muscle contracts during weightlifting, tendons pull on the bone, which stimulates bone growth over time.
Feel Stronger: It's pretty empowering to be able to do simple things like carrying groceries up a flight of stairs with ease or being able to run around and play with your kids.
Live Longer: Studies also show that having more muscle correlates with a longer lifespan and better quality of life in old age.
Strength training: Lifting weights regularly!
Prioritize Rest days: Just as strength training is crucial, rest days are just as important. The body needs time to rebuild and repair your muscles - that only happens while you rest and recover.
Increase protein intake: Research shows that among individuals who are trying to lose weight, those who get a sufficient amount of protein daily are much more likely to maintain muscle mass than those who eat the recommended daily intake or less (.35g/lb of bodyweight). I recommend aiming for .7-1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight per day. Increase slowly if you're nowhere near this. (@drgabriellelyon is a great follow for all things protein)
Use a light to moderate calorie deficit: If you try to reduce calories too much, not only do you risk losing muscle mass, but you’ll also feel more intense cravings & are more likely to over-indulge. If calories are in an appropriate place, to begin with, I recommend a 10-15% initial decrease in calories.
Don’t spend too long in a calorie deficit: If you are chronically dieting your body will naturally start to down-regulate sex hormones and thyroid function which can cause a host of other health issues and impact muscle loss. I recommend sticking around 12-16 weeks for a fat loss phase followed by at least 3 months at maintenance.
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