Mar 27, 2023
If we consistently tell ourselves that we can’t have something, that it’s completely off-limits, at some point we usually will end up bingeing or overindulging in said food.
Why? Deprivation drives desire.
Deprivation drives desire.
Similar to this, it is usually the same case when you are eating too little for too long. It becomes unsustainable and by the end of the diet you’re so deprived you end up overdoing it and consuming an abundance of calories.
Diets that eliminate entire food groups are being glorified these days, but the truth is that these types of diets don’t work and are unsustainable for 95% of people. I see it over and over again.
Restrictive diets like this will elicit quick results, but then will result in:
Unhealthy relationships w/ food
A rebound of weight gain
Leave people ill-equipped down the road
Leave people back where they started or worse
A few things to keep in mind…
Patience will always be the name of the game. Short-term diets = short-term results. The body of your dreams is not built in a couple of months or from chronically dieting.
Remember that most of the time when you see before and after pictures from people who have achieved rapid results, those results are typically short-lived from a program with no long-term plan in place. This can lead to no real habits being built.
There definitely needs to be some restrictions/ cognitive restraint w/ food in order to make progress but if those restrictions are too drastic you simply won’t be able to maintain them.
A long-term approach comes with discomfort.
It’s definitely not sexy, most of the time it's boring and mundane, and it comes with many challenges.
It comes with changing habits you may have had for many years, that you’re not going to overcome in just 6 weeks.
It comes with throwing away the instant gratification mindset and focusing on the big picture.
It doesn’t come with a timeline, and most of the time it takes longer than we expect.
But you will be so proud of yourself down the road for sticking to it.
Commit to the long game. Commit to your health!
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